Older News
Happy to share that our work on digital literacy and vulnerability to misinformation among Facebook users in Pakistan has been accepted at the Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media (link to the article)
Delighted to share that our work on the impact of memory pressure on mobile video QoE has been accepted at ACM CoNEXT 2022!
Delighted to share that our work on the causal impact of Android Go (a mobile operating system for entry-level smartphones) on Mobile Web performance has been accepted at ACM IMC 2022!
Delighted to share that our work on cognitive reflection and vulnerability to COVID-19 misinformation has been accepted at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review (link to the article).
Our work on detecting audio deepfakes in resource-constrained environments will appear in INTERSPEECH 2022!
Check out the presentation video of our ACM HotNets 2021 work, “Rethinking Web for Affordability and Inclusion”.
We have multiple openings for PhD students interested in ICT for Development (including mobile web/video), countering fake news, privacy-preserving machine learning, and edge computing. If you are interested, please send me an email.
Incredibly honored to receive the 2021 Sheth International Young Alumni Achievement Award. Check out the article “Bridging the Divide” in the Pitt Magazine about the award written by Susan Wiedel and my interview here.
We propose a radically new approach for rethinking Web design for affordability and inclusion. For more details, look out for the camera-ready! (Work to appear at ACM HotNets 2021)
Happy to share that our work on audio deepfake detection using attention deep neural networks has been accepted at ASRU 2021!
Our work on detecting audio deepfakes using acoustic microfeatures will appear in INTERSPEECH 2021!
Our work on mobile Web browsing under memory pressure has been accepted to appear in ACM SIGCOMM CCR, October 2020
Delighted to receive the Facebook Research Award 2020 for our work on countering deepfake misinformation among low digital-literacy populations. Looking forward to working with Dr. Ayesha Ali (Project PI, Assistant Professor of Economics at LUMS) and Dr. Agha Ali Raza (Co-PI, Assistant Professor of CS at LUMS)
Chairing the SIGCOMM 2020 Poster Session. Please consider submitting!
Our work on Google Web Light service will appear in WWW 2020!
Our work on building applications over a new communication channel that uses missed calls has been accepted at ACM CHI 2020.
Gave a talk at Google (San Francisco, CA) on quality of experience of popular mobile applications (09/19).
Our work on reducing tail latency in cloud datacenters using duplicate-aware scheduling has been accepted at ACM CoNEXT 2019!
Two of our research works have been accepted at the American Economic Association (AEA)'s Annual Meeting for a poster presentation.
Our work on digital literacy and misinformation was presented at Facebook.
Invited to serve in the TPC of ACM HotNets 2019.
Delighted to receive the Facebook Integrity Foundational Research Award for our proposal on understanding the impact of digital literacy on misinformation in Pakistan. Looking forward to working with Dr. Ayesha Ali (Project PI), Assistant Professor of Economics at LUMS.
Honored to receive the LUMS Alumni Achievement Award.
Our work on workload adaptive flow scheduling has been accepted at ACM CoNEXT 2018
Our work on enabling multiple IoT stacks on a single radio has been accepted at ACM CoNEXT 2018
Presented C-Saw at ACM SIGCOMM 2018 in Budapest, Hungary.
Delighted to receive a Google Faculty Research Award for our work on making the Web faster in developing countries - (https://goo.gl/wsvr1b and https://goo.gl/XLBfsx)
Delighted to receive a ACM SIGCOMM CCR best paper award for our work on Facebooks Free Basics platform. Our work will be presented at ACM SIGCOMM 2018 in Budapest, Hungary! (https://goo.gl/eJ7opL)
Our work on incentivizing Internet censorship measurements has been accepted at ACM SIGCOMM 2018. Many congrats to the C-Saw team!
Attended a mini-workshop and gave a talk on Mobile Web Performance at Google, Seattle, USA (April, 2018)
Gave a research talk at University of Washington, Seattle, USA (April, 2018)
Received a grant to establish a research lab on edge computing as part of the National Center in Big Data & Cloud Computing. Looking forward to working on exciting research with my colleagues (and Co-PIs): Dr. Hamad Alizai, Dr. Zafar Qazi, and Dr. Basit Shafiq.
LUMS wins the bid to establish the first National Center in Big Data & Cloud Computing in Pakistan. The center will comprise 12 labs, hosted in 11 Universities across Pakistan. Looking forward towards making a long-term impact on the research and innovation ecosystem of Pakistan.
Invited to serve in the TPC of ACM CoNEXT 2018
Our work on the tradeoffs between ethics and effectiveness in censorship measurements will appear in NSDI 2018 (poster session)
Our work on online advertising under Internet censorship has been accepted at ACM HotNets 2017!
Gave a research talk at Netflix, Los Gatos, CA, USA (October, 2017)
Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure!
Our recent work on Facebook`s Free Basics program has been accepted in ACM SIGCOMM CCR, 2017
Received a National ICT R&D (now Ignite) grant on failure resilient datacenters. Thanks Ignite!
Our work on Facebook`s Free Basics service will appear in ACM SIGMETRICS 2017 (poster session)
Gave a research talk at MIT, Cambridge, CA, USA (March, 2017)
Gave a research talk at Harvard University, Cambridge, CA, USA (March, 2017)
Gave a research talk at Facebook on Understanding Internet Access from the Developing World (March 21, 2017)
We have multiple openings for PhD students interested in Mobile Web/Video, Cellular Networks, ICTD, Cloud Computing, and Online Privacy.
Awarded a HEC NRPU grant. Thanks HEC!
Our work on flow scheduling over asymmetric datacenter topologies will appear in NSDI 2017 (poster/demo) session
Gave a research talk at University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, USA (Dec 12, 2016).
Our work on failure resilient load balancing for datacenters has been accepted at IEEE INFOCOM 2017!
Invited to serve in the TPC of APNet 2017 and APSys 2017
Our work on redundancy aware network stack has been accepted at ACM HotNets 2016!
Our paper on service differentiation in high-speed WiFi networks has been accepted at ACM CoNEXT 2016!
Gave a research talk at CMU, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Sept. 8, 2016). Details are here
Attended the ACM CoNEXT TPC meeting at CMU, Pittsburgh, USA
Our work on understanding mobile phone characteristics in developing regions has been accepted at ACM IMC 2016
Attended the Dagstuhl Seminar on network latency control in datacenters in Germany
Our work on a low latency transport for datacenters has been accepted in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
Invited to serve in the TPC of ACM CoNEXT 2016
Gave a research talk at Facebook, Menlo Park, CA, USA (Dec 11, 2015)
Gave a research talk at UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA (Dec 10, 2015)
Gave a research talk at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA (Dec 9, 2015)
Gave a research talk at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA (Nov 20, 2015)
Attended ACM HotNets in Philadelphia, PA, USA (Nov, 2015)
Attended ACM IMC 2015 in Tokyo and IEEE Globecom 2015 in San Diego, CA, USA
Our work on Internet censorship has been accepted in ACM HotNets 2015!
Attended ACM SIGCOMM 2015 and presented eSDN, an architecture for building smart hosts using SDN controllers
I was a mentor in the Mentoring Moments at ACM SIGCOMM 2015
Invited to serve in the TPC of COMSNET 2016
HEC NRPU research grant on designing high performance cloud datacenters. Thanks HEC!
Gave talks at Microsoft Research Cambridge (UK) [VIDEO], Rutgers (USA), Stony Brook (USA), and UPitt (USA)
Our work on data center transports appeared in ACM SIGCOMM 2014-(First SIGCOMM paper for Pakistan)
Our work on buffer management in datacenters has been accepted in the poster session of ACM SIGCOMM 2014
Invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE ICNP 2014
BLMon team wins the Lahore Startup Weekend 2014. Congratulations!! -- Press: [PASHA, Facebook]
Our paper on wireless loss differentiation has been accepted in the IEEE INFOCOM 2014 Main Conference!