Research: I research networked systems (e.g., Internet, social media platforms, cloud data centers) and their societal impacts, focusing on technologies for developing regions, misinformation countermeasures, data privacy, and efficient cloud infrastructure design. I employ a mixed-methods approach in my research, utilizing generative AI, causal inference, privacy-preserving machine learning, and qualitative methods to address these challenges. Through an interdisciplinary lens, I aim to shape a digital future that is not only more efficient and secure, but also equitable and inclusive across global contexts. I lead the Internet, Data, and Society Lab (IDSL) at LUMS.
Digital Development
Countering Fake News
Privacy & Internet Censorship
Cloud/Edge Computing
Digital Development
Keywords: Affordable Web; Entry-level Smartphones; Digital Literacy; Causal Inference; Surveys; Mobile Video
[Affordability of Mobile YouTube Ads, TheWebConf 2024]
[Affordable Web Framework, ACM SIGCOMM 2023]
[Affordability of Public Service Websites, TheWebConf 2023]
[Validated Measures of Digital Literacy, Development Engineering 2023]
[Impact of Memory Pressure on Mobile Video Quality of Experience (QoE), ACM CoNEXT 2022]
[Causal Impact of Android Go, ACM IMC 2022]
[Affordable Web Architecture, HotNets 2021]
[Mobile Web Browsing Under Memory Pressure, SIGCOMM CCR 2020]
[Google Web Light, WWW 2020]
[MissIt, CHI 2020]
[Mobile Video, SIGCOMM 2019p, IMC 2018p]
[Mobile Web, IMC 2018p]
[Facebook Free Basics, SIGCOMM CCR 2017 – Best Paper Award]
[Facebook Free Basics, SIGMETRICS 2017p]
[Mobile Phone Characteristics in Developing Regions, IMC 2016]
[Long Distance WiFi, INFOCOM 2014p]
Countering Fake News
Keywords: Misinformation; Deepfakes; Digital (Media) Literacy; Cognitive Reflection; Causal Inference; Randomized Control Trials; Deep Learning; Surveys
[Deepfake Defense, ACL 2024]
[Countering Misinformation through Educational Interventions (RCT in Pakistan), JDE 2023]
[Dataset Pruning for Efficient Audio Deepfake Detection, INTERSPEECH 2023]
[Validated Measures of Digital Literacy, Development Engineering 2023]
[Digital Literacy & Misinformation, Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media 2022]
[Cognitive Reflection & COVID-19 Misinformation, HKS Misinformation Review 2022]
[Audio Deepfake Detection Under Resource-Constrained Environments, INTERSPEECH 2022]
[Audio Deepfake Detection Using Attention DNNs, ASRU 2021]
[Robust Detection of Audio Deepfakes, INTERSPEECH 2021]
[Randomized Control Trial on Countering Misinformation on Social Media, arXiv 2021]
[Educational Interventions for Combating Fake News, AEA 2020]
Privacy, Internet Censorship & Internet Centralization
Keywords: Online Privacy; Censorship Measurements; Online Advertising; Ethics; Privacy-Preserving Communication
[Government Hosting & Internet Centralization, IMC 2024]
[Ad Exposure in Child-Oriented Content on YouTube, TheWebConf 2024]
[Hasaas, ECML PKDD 2023]
[Censorship Economics, AEA 2020]
[C-Saw, SIGCOMM 2018, HotNets 2015]
[Ethics, NSDI 2018p]
[Advention, HotNets 2017]
Cloud/Edge Computing & AI/Machine Learning
Keywords: Data Pruning & Model Pruning; Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning; Flow Scheduling; Tail Latency; Load Balancing; Software-Defined Networking
[Data Pruning for Efficient Fine-Tuning, NeurIPS ENLSP 2023]
[Data Pruning for Efficient Model Pruning, EMNLP 2023]
[Hasaas, ECML PKDD 2023]
[FedPrune, arXiv 2021]
[DAS, CoNEXT 2019]
[2D, CoNEXT 2018]
[DRIBS, NSDI 2017p]
[RANS, HotNets 2016]
[eSDN, SIGCOMM 2015p]
[MulBuff, SIGCOMM 2014p]
[PASE, SIGCOMM 2014] (PASE ns2 simulation code, patch applies to ns-2.34)
[L2DCT, INFOCOM 2013] (L2DCT ns2 simulation code, patch applies to ns-2.35)
[Coexistence of Datacenter Transports, ICC 2014]
[Incast Congestion, Globecom 2015]
[RACS, ICC 2013]